Monday, September 24, 2007

Why I LOVE the Gundo

1. I can walk to friends (well most of them - who doesn't live in the Gundo), shops, restaurants, beach.

2. A little town in a big city... Farmer's Market, Rec Park, 4th of July fireworks, Main Street

3. My apartment - no the remodeling isn't finished but its where I sleep, where I work, where I hang out. The great view from my living room window.

4. My neighbors/roomies - Brigitte, Sam, Sarah and Momo (Yogi's first cat friend).

5. Richmond Street Fair - My friend from college, Heidi, came down for the day. How cool is this - we were both wearing white t-shirts and camo pants (I had capri ones on but when she came through the door, I ran (literally) and put on the pair that are in the picture because then we would have exactly the SAME camo pants. I know I'm a dork, but everyone noticed that we were dressed the same - yes we went to the fair like that. Poor Heidi didn't have anything else to change into so she was stuck. Aren't we cute?

Then it started raining (yes it rained on Friday and Saturday - crazy, huh, rain in September in Southern CA), so I dragged Heidi to the Richmond Street Fair. Poor Heidi - drenched at the Fair dressed like a twin. The rain stopped and the sun came out for the rest of the day.

Here's a pic of Heidi's first purchase - Ollie the Ostrich.

Met up with Steph who wants an English bulldog. I think this is the closest thing she's going to get since she can't have pets. Yes she's dressed for the winter - told you it rained. No seriously she was suffering from a cold and I dragged her to the Fair too.

We ran into the Andersons, and I had to grab a pic with Charlie. Why? She's looking super cute in her pink camo pants, of course!!!

One of the vendors had these giraffes and I loved them (although I didn't love them $185 worth) so I kissed him goodbye.

Here's his family...

Just a pic to document Shannifer's day at the Richmond Street Fair.


Susie said...

I *heart* giraffes- I think I have the same photo of me hanging with the Pier 1 ooden ones when Andy and I were dating...

Shelly said...

I LOVE your blog. And I'm with you & Susie...I love giraffes. I may have laid down the $100+ for one...

Nicole Svendsen said...

I am with you Shannon-cute- but too much $$$

Anonymous said...

Such a good picture of Sarah and Sam...classic brother sister shot!