Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Chicken or Shrimp?

So on Monday (Labor Day, planned beach day, 3rd day of a long weekend - no I'm not bitter...) at 3am, I woke up really sick and spent the next 7 hours in the bathroom. Little did I know in those early morning hours that 7 others (Lauren, Steph, Dana, Rich, Mattie, (Dani and Emelen - Lauren's friends from work)) were experiencing the same symptoms, and we all spent our day on the couch or bed. Our self diagnosis was that we got food poisoning from Tokyo Wako. We can't seem to pin point whether it was the chicken or the shrimp since there were others at dinner who ate chicken and shrimp or one of the two but didn't get sick.

I really wanted to get pictures of everyone just to put on the blog (since we all look so happy at dinner the other night) but got some resounding "no's", and I didn't have the energy to get over to everyone's houses.


Phil and Dana said...

I can't believe you blogged about this!! I don't think I could have put up much of a fight if you had come over for photo time yesterday, so I'm glad you didn't! Glad we're all still alive...

Nicole Svendsen said...

Oh my!! How frustrating. Never eat there I guess.

Unknown said...

Lauren's birthday was sooo fun! The near death experience that followed, not so fun. :)

Anonymous said...

I am voting for the shrimp which we all know I would stay away from! I hate the chicken and escaped being ill.