Sunday, January 20, 2008

Welcome to the Gundo...Chipotle

Nickki rallied the Gundonians for a Sunday night dinner at the newly opened Chipotle (yep the same one I visited on Friday twice). At 5:30 p.m. on a Sunday night, it wasn't too busy.

Janet from my bible study enjoying her first Chipotle burrito EVER!!!

We love those group shots...

I went on the Chipotle site and there is an option to send in "Chipotle-esque" pictures and if they post the pic, you get free stuff or something so stay tuned to see if they post this one.


Nicole Svendsen said...

oh how fun would it be if they posted your picture. Keep us posted on the blog...

Shelly said... Chipotle. I can't believe there's one in the Gundo. The Gundo has officially arrived!!