Tuesday, January 1, 2008

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1 Happy New Year!!!

Last day of 2007...I'm not really a big New Year's Resolution kind of gal. Sometimes I'll make a list of a few "things I want to do next year" but not really a resolution type of list.

So I kicked off the last day of 2007 by putting away my Christmas decorations and cleaning my apartment.

Then I dragged Sam (under the guise that he would get lunch) and Steph to Aardvark's to see I could find a masquerade mask for the evening festivities. We tried on lots of different costume things and masks.


Then we headed to Red Robin which Sam claimed was "the best meal he's ever had in his life". Admittedly the burgers and fries were good, but I think it was just because I took so long at Aardvark's, and they were starving.

Only 24 hours before, Shannifer (as Jen and I have coined ourselves) came up with the New Year's Eve plan for us and a "few" others. Teresa's Mosaic Cafe, an authentic Sonoran mexican restaurant in the Gundo, was able to accomodate us on short notice for dinner and then we planned to head to Bad Dog Ale, also in the Gundo.

Dana taking some "sipsies" of my strawberry margarita.

The owners of Teresa's were so awesome. I had been to the restaurant before and loved the food and the look of the restaurant and had been wanting to get a big group together to go there. God worked in amazing ways (its impossible to get a reservation for 30 people on New Year's Eve at 8 p.m. with only 24 hours notice) for us and for the owners (he said that we made his night). Here's a shot of the group.

After dinner we headed to Bad Dog Ale. When we called a few days before, they said that it was going to be a masquerade theme and that the servers would be wearing masks and feel free to wear masks as well. As it turns out, none of the servers were wearing masks, and we were the only ones other than these two big burly bouncer guys. I, of course, was all into the masks after seeing an episode of Gossip Girl where they had a Masquerade Ball and Enchanted this past weekend. It was super fun to sport the masks.

Me & Janet (we're in bible study together)

The Blankenships masquerading.

Me, Dana and Steph

The newest Cheetah Girl - Ellie Higley!!!

Watch out Halle Berry, the next catwoman, Nickki Peavey.

When we weren't posing for pics, there was a DJ and we took over the dance floor. I was able to burn off the burger and fries calories for the next few hours.

Bad Dog passed out hats, noisemakers and champange a little before midnight in preparation for ringing in the New Year.

Congrats to newly engaged Sheri and Tim.

It was a super fun evening ringing in 2008 with friends Gundo style.

What's the first thing I did on January 1, 2008, opened my January gift card from my mom.

Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year.


Rollin With The Homies said...

Happy 2008 Shannon.

fijiangirl said...

I hope to have a chance to actually SEE you in 2008 instead of lurking on your blog!

Nicole Svendsen said...

So fun Shannon...I thought you weren't supposed to be planning things anymore? I guess it's just in you:)))