I don't know about you, but it kind of bugs me when I have my mind set on something food related and then its not available. So here are my issues over the past month.1. I think I sort of noticed about 2 months ago that I wasn't seeing Wonder white bread on the shelves of several grocery stores in the South Bay (namely Ralph's, Vons, Cooke's and the Air Force Commissary). Wonder is a staple so I just figured they were out of it. About a month ago, I was craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which is best on soft white Wonder bread (yeah I know wheat is healthier now but I still love super soft white bread for PB&J) so I headed to Ralph's to purchase said Wonder. Apparently they weren't out of stock. I can't find it anywhere.
2. My friend, Jen Carpenter, always orders the Blue Cheese Tri Tip sandwich whenever we go to Sharkeez (mostly during football season). I was never inclined to order it although she raved about it because I've always had dry steak sandwiches. Finally this past November, I decided to order it. It was AMAZING!!! French roll toasted with butter and garlic, topped with thinly sliced onion rings, tender tri tip, blue cheese crumbles. Am I making your mouth water? Had another one in January. Well...I went to Sharkeez this weekend all set to order this sandwich. When it comes out, it looks so different that I immediately tell the waiter that he brought me the wrong sandwich because there is a fat roll without any butter or garlic and some creamy mayonnaise looking sauce on the roll. The onions and the tri tip are still there. The manager comes out and explains that management has decided to take blue cheese crumbles off their list of items but assures me that low end blue cheese dressing will taste better and this sandwich is better than before, just different. Yeah it wasn't.
3. Decided to make chicken quesadillas for dinner tonight with Sam and Sarah since Brigitte was going out to dinner. I like to put my quesadillas with corn and mexican rice. Not just any mexican rice though, its a Lawry's mexican rice spice mix that you put with your own rice (I use Calrose rice so its kind of a mexican/japanese cross culture thing but it makes for super good mexican rice). I forgot to get it when I was at Ralph's earlier (yes I'm still shopping there even though they've discontinued carrying Wonder bread), but I recalled seeing it at Cooke's so I headed over there. Nope didn't have it so I headed back to Ralph's. They didn't have it either. So I ended up with Knorr Mexican Rice mix which wasn't so good and none of us ate. I'm sure I can find it somewhere else but at 530p I wasn't about to traverse the South Bay. The rest of the meal was super good though.
So that's my 3 food disappointments. I realize it's pretty petty in the big scheme of things, but sometimes I just have to find something to blog about...