Monday, November 17, 2008

A Little More Halloween...

Yeah I know its a week away from Thanksgiving, but I started this post and then I've been a bit sidetracked with Facebook because you can post all your pictures so easily and aren't limited to 5 at a time so sorry folks who've been checking the blog only to be reminded of my seriousness on voting day. Anyways here we go...

Guess I didn't want Halloween to end...headed to Knott's Scary Farm on Saturday even though it was November 1st. Hadn't been since college, but it was still just as scary with crazy masked people jumping out of the dark and fog and sliding up to you and making strange noises in your ear.

motion sickness challenged so I skipped the rides

Went through all 13 mazes. This was one of the first where all the scary monsters picked on Nickki.

Scary Spider Ride which wasn't that bad.

Another scary guy bugging Nickki especially when I accidentally called her by her name and then he did too.

And as requested, costumes from the past 4 years where I've won for Most Original. Which was your fave?


Nicole Svendsen said...

love the gum one!!!

Susie said...

The gum under the shoe is a classic!