Thursday, December 11, 2008

You Can Never Have Too Much Cheesecake

Be prepared...I'm behind again on posting so there are a few coming. Few weeks ago we celebrated Allison's birthday at the Marina del Rey Cheesecake Factory. It was a cool evening but warm enough to sit on the patio surrounded by heating lamps. Gotta love December in Southern California.

Making a Wish

Tim's first fun outing (since doctors visits don't count as fun) since his motorcycle accident. Can't even tell that he's bolted together, wheelchair bound and on a pain medication diet. Fun little group shot.

Tim has some VIP card that got us a bunch of free slices of cheesecake. My fave was the one on the right.

Diane loving cheesecake #1. Remember the guac shot...So I made her take one with the cheesecake container.

1 comment:

Nicole Svendsen said...

fun! happy birthday Allison!